Guardian Sustainable Business:
Largely absent from the business world, animal portraits without words or explicit messages around sustainability, were found to effectively change perceptions and communicate the need for change.
Working with a team from Michigan State University, Joseph Zammit-Lucia analysed the impact of his animal portraits on viewers in museum and classroom settings. Without words or explicit messages about sustainability or conservation, around 90% of viewers changed their cultural perceptions of animals and made statements about the need for more sustainable lifestyles to help protect the animals.
We're really interested to hear what you think of these images. What message, if any, do you take from them? Largely absent from the business world, what do you think artists, novelists, poets and musicians can bring to sustainability? It would be great to hear your thoughts - leave them below or tweet @GuardianSustBiz with #GSB...
Lee Pratt, MASS, MSA's insight:
This reminds me we are all artists, I say; bring it on!